
Multiculturalism as the main philosophical doctrine of political and cultural development of modern society
Metafizika 7 (2):79-89 (2024)



Gasimova, N. (2024). Multiculturalism as the Main Philosophical Doctrine of Political and Cultural Development of Modern Society. Metafizika Journal, 7(2), 79–89. https://doi.org/10.33864/2617-751x.2024.v7.i2.79-89


The article entitled "Multiculturalism is the main philosophical concept of social and political development in modern society" is devoted to the analysis of cultural and political problems occurring in modern societies in the context of globalization from a socio-philosophical aspect. The necessity of approaching the issue from the point of view of the current needs of the time and era, respect for other cultural identities, non-actualization of acts of radicalism, terrorism, extremism, religious fundamentalism, and racism, which may cause imbalance in the system of ethnic-political relations of polyethnic societies in the era of globalization, and taking complex measures calculated for a safe future in relation to ethnic-political subjects is reflected in the article. In a philosophical sense, the term multiculturalism is a generalized expression of the cultures to which social subjects belong, having a broad meaning and incorporating different values.. It is known that culture and spirituality are historical philosophical systems, and depending on the rules of time and the form of the social structure at each stage of historical development, the culture and spirituality change and renew. Multiculturalism is a form of tolerance in which representatives of different national cultures coexist in conditions of equal rights and self-affirmation within a single country. The philosophical-theoretical basis of the multiculturalism paradigm is precisely the mutual understanding of parallel cultures in global society, joint activity, and even their equal dialogue. The article analyzes the concept of multiculturalism from a philosophical perspective and primarily explains it as a synthesis of communitarianism and liberalism. It was especially noted that multiculturalism, as a humanist ideology, reflects the equality promoted by communitarianism and respect for individuality and other cultures and religions, as liberals say. The article draws attention to the transformation of the multiculturalism paradigm into the main philosophical and political concept of modern societies against the background of globalization and the formation of the political doctrine of many developed countries, including the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the context of state policy.


multiculturalism, globalization, society, national relations, ethnic diversity, dialogue of civilizations, tolerance, integration, мультикультурализм, толерантность, глобализация, этнические разнообразия, общество, национальные отношения, диалог цивилизаций, интеграция, multikulturalizm, qloballaşma, cəmiyyət, milli münasibətlər, etnik müxtəliflik, sıvılızasiyaların dialoqu, tolerantlıq, inteqrasiya.


1. Aliyev, I. (2015). Azerbaijan is an example of tolerance (performance, speeches, meetings, congratulations). Baku. (in Azerbaijani)
2. Abdullayev, K. (2015). AzerTaj. 08.04.2015 (in Azerbaijani)
3. Abdullayev, K. (2019). Introduction to Multiculturalism. Baku. (in Azerbaijani)
4. Benhabib, C. C. (2003). Cultural demand, Equality and diversity in the global era. Moscow. (in English)
5. Dumouchel, P. (2001). Comparative multiculturalism. Journal New Left Review, London. (in English)
6. Ilyasov, R. (2019). Introduction to Multiculturalism. Textbook, Baku. (in Azerbaijani)
7. Hekpasov, C. N., Nekrasova, N. A., & Platoshina, V. American multiculturalism. https://www.monographies.ru > view (in Russian)
8. Rahimov, R. (2019). Introduction to Multiculturalism. Baku (in Azerbaijani)

“Metafizika” Journal AcademyGate Publishing
Vol 7, issue 2, serial 26, 2024. pp.79-89 p-ISSN 2616-6879; e-ISSN 2617-751X


UDC: 7203.01
DOI: 10.33864/2617-751X.2024.v7.i2.79-89
MJ № 211

Multiculturalism as the Main Philosophical Doctrine of
Political and Cultural Development of Modern Society

Narmina Gasimova

Abstract. The article entitled "Multiculturalism is the main philosophical
concept of social and political development in modern society"
is devoted to
the analysis of cultural and political problems occurring in modern societies
in the context of globalization from a socio-philosophical aspect. The
necessity of approaching the issue from the point of view of the current needs
of the time and era, respect for other cultural identities, non-actualization of
acts of radicalism, terrorism, extremism, religious fundamentalism, and
racism, which may cause imbalance in the system of ethnic-political relations
of polyethnic societies in the era of globalization, and taking complex
measures calculated for a safe future in relation to ethnic-political subjects is
reflected in the article.

In a philosophical sense, the term multiculturalism is a generalized
expression of the cultures to which social subjects belong, having a broad
meaning and incorporating different values.. It is known that culture and
spirituality are historical philosophical systems, and depending on the rules
of time and the form of the social structure at each stage of historical
development, the culture and spirituality change and renew.

Multiculturalism is a form of tolerance in which representatives of
different national cultures coexist in conditions of equal rights and self-
affirmation within a single country. The philosophical-theoretical basis of the
multiculturalism paradigm is precisely the mutual understanding of parallel
cultures in global society, joint activity, and even their equal dialogue.

Ph.D in Philosophy,
Lecturer of the Department of ―Humanities‖ of the Azerbaijan State Oil Industry University; Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: narmin_aa@mail.ru
To cite this article: Gasimova, N. [2024]. Multiculturalism as the Main Philosophical Doctrine of Political and
Cultural Development of Modern Society. “Metafizika” journal, 7(2), pp.79-89.

Article history:
Received: 20.04.2024
Accepted: 03.06.2024

Narmina Gasimova
Multiculturalism as the main philosophical doctrine of political and cultural development of modern society


The article analyzes the concept of multiculturalism from a philosophical
perspective and primarily explains it as a synthesis of communitarianism and
liberalism. It was especially noted that multiculturalism, as a humanist
ideology, reflects the equality promoted by communitarianism and respect for
individuality and other cultures and religions, as liberals say.

The article draws attention to the transformation of the multiculturalism
paradigm into the main philosophical and political concept of modern
societies against the background of globalization and the formation of the
political doctrine of many developed countries, including the Republic of
Azerbaijan, in the context of state policy.

Keywords: multiculturalism, globalization, society, national relations, ethnic
diversity, dialogue of civilizations, tolerance, integration


The current globalization process in the modern world has turned the
problems of the clash and integration of civilizations based on the existing
differences between cultures into an urgent issue of modern philosophy. The
preservation of various cultures, their transmission to future generations, the
creation of interreligious and intercultural dialogue, as well as
interculturalism, are of great importance in the modern world. These
processes taking place in the socio-cultural sphere of society are the actual
research topic of modern philosophy.

In contemporary civil society, multiculturalism and tolerance are evolving
alongside identity, and numerous developed nations, including the Republic
of Azerbaijan, are actively addressing these issues through their state
policies. The successful state policy, consistently advancing the integration of
multiculturalism and tolerance into society, reaffirms the significance of the
selected topic.

The article analyzed the conceptual socio-philosophical aspects of national
minorities' ownership and development of their own culture in polyethnic
countries, the importance of multiculturalism in today's globalized world, the
socio-philosophical and political analysis of national identity issues, the
granting of all privileges to ethnic groups within the framework of
international legal norms while considering the territorial integrity and
national interests of states, and the exploration of diverse and novel
2.Multiculturalism and identity relations as an important issue of
modern philosophy

Multiculturalism and identity relations have been the subject of research
and analysis by many philosophers and politicians as an important issue in

“Metafizika” Journal
2024, vol 7, issue 2, serial 26, pp.79-89


modern philosophy. The intersection of philosophy and culture is one of the
key reasons for the emergence of the philosophical theory of
multiculturalism. The study of multiculturalism and tolerance in both
Western and Eastern philosophy, including Azerbaijan's socio-philosophical
thought from a scientific-theoretical aspect, creates conditions for the
establishment of relations between cultures and civilizations and the
development of these relations in a new form, the expansion of
interculturalism, and the establishment of peace in the world.

Especially foreign and domestic authors who study various aspects of
multiculturalism and identity, such as K.O.Apel, R.Bernstein, R.Kastel,
E.Moren, Ch.Taylor, Y.A.Habermas, V.Malakhov, S.S.Binhabib,
M.Heidegger, M.S.Kagana, S.S.Huntington, K.Abdullah, I.Mammadzade,
E.Najafov, N.Niftiyev, R.Aslanova, R.Mirzazade, and others should be
emphasized. The Republic of Azerbaijan has declared multiculturalism a
priority of state policy, taking into account its positive qualities and the basic
principles of democracy.

According to S. Binhabib, an American researcher of multiculturalism,
multiculturalism is one of the directions of practical politics in the form of
political theory and exists within the framework of precise boundaries that do
not obey intracultural transformation based on the absolutization of different
cultures. Identity is a person's belonging to a national or any ethnic
community [4, p. 103].

Equal development of multiculturalism and national identity serves the
development of our national and moral values in the context of universal
values. At present, there are exemplary models of multiculturalism in
countries such as Sweden, Canada, the Netherlands, and Indonesia.
Multiculturalism is a state policy in the Republic of Azerbaijan that does not
lag behind the processes in this direction in the modern world. In Azerbaijan,
the issues of multiculturalism, tolerance, and identity, their manifestation in
the domestic and foreign policies of our country, and state-religion relations
have been resolved at a high level. The purposeful activity of the President of
the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, in this field, the admirable
works done by the Baku International Multiculturalism Center, and the
Heydar Aliyev Foundation in protecting and promoting our national cultural
heritage around the world, are undeniable.

The essence of multiculturalism, which has become one of global
society's main philosophical concepts, is mutual understanding of different
cultures, joint activity, and even equal dialogue. Approaching the issue from
a relevance perspective necessitates respect and tolerance for different
cultural identities. Circumstances that may cause imbalance in the system of

Narmina Gasimova
Multiculturalism as the main philosophical doctrine of political and cultural development of modern society


ethnic-political relations of polyethnic societies and the prevention of
radicalism, terrorism, extremism, including racism require the
implementation of multicultural security measures in relation to ethnic-
political subjects.

If we approach the issue from a philosophical aspect in modern
democratic societies, multiculturalism is the embodiment of tolerance, being
a human ideology serving humanity. Practically, multiculturalism takes on a
political character and becomes an integral part of the internal policy of any
polyethnic country.

In the philosophical aspect, multiculturalism ensures the integration of the
cultures to which social subjects who include different values belong. Culture
and spirituality is a historical philosophical view system. At each stage of
historical development, depending on the form of the social structure, culture
and spirituality evolves and renews. People belonging to different cultures
organize society and create a collective community. Collective rights are, in
principle, a set of rights of separate individuals. Therefore, collective rights
and freedoms must recognize the rights of small cultural groups.
Multiculturalism is a form of tolerance in which representatives of different
national cultures live together in conditions of equal rights and self-
affirmation within one country [7].

As we know, there is liberalism and communitarian approach to
multiculturalism. A prominent representative of the liberal approach to
multiculturalism, political theorist Will Kymlicka offers the concept of
"Multicultural Citizenship". Chandran Kukatas has characterized versions of
multiculturalism based on classical and modern liberal approaches as "weak
multiculturalism" and "strong multiculturalism", respectively. He himself
acts as a supporter of "weak multiculturalism" and considers Kymlicka‘s
theory to be "strong multiculturalism". The difference between these two
approaches is that the role and intervention of the state is minimal in weak
multiculturalism. Ch.Kukatas expressed this concept in his work entitled
"Tolerating the Intolerable" [8, p. 39].

Charles Taylor, a prominent representative of the communitarian approach
to multiculturalism and the author of "politics of recognition", emphasizes the
recognition and fair acceptance of different cultures at the political level with
"politics of recognition". According to him, the policy of multiculturalism
means to respect the fact that everyone has an identity in a universal meaning
"by recognizing the specificity that belongs to everyone" [6, p.46].

Multiculturalism, as the main indicator of cultural and civilizational
stimulation, is a manifestation of tolerance and is characteristic of countries
with a high level of development. Without studying the nature,

“Metafizika” Journal
2024, vol 7, issue 2, serial 26, pp.79-89


characteristics, and history of different cultures, it is impossible to have a
tolerant attitude towards other cultures, and it is impossible to establish a
dialogue between cultures and civilizations without respecting their carriers.
At present, the approach to various existences in global societies in the
context of universal and humanistic values has transformed multiculturalism
into a historical necessity.
3.Multiculturalism is a policy that ensures equal activity of parallel

Cultural pluralism and cultural diversity define the philosophical aspects
of multiculturalism. Taking national belonging as a basis, the integration of
different cultures based on self-relationships is the main direction of a
multicultural society.

Canadian researcher Paul Dumouchel highlighted the political importance
of multiculturalism in his article "Comparative Multiculturalism" and
evaluated it as a priority direction of state policy [5, p. 6].

In societies where multiculturalism manifests itself as a cultural policy and
gives expected highly progressive results, a legitimate picture emerges in
terms of the view of ethnic-political relations: the "dominant culture" that
exists in a multicultural society and glorifies the specific image of the titular
people does not persistently demonstrate its exceptionalism, and other
cultures that historically exist in the area are given the freedom to choose the
cultural pattern they want for themselves. Thus, in modern societies, the
state-creating or titular nation never prioritizes its historical duties and
services over the historical services of other peoples and ethnic groups and
considers national history as the common achievement of all the peoples that
created it.

Ensuring the coexistence of different cultures on a single level manifests
the development of modern society under the conditions of globalization.
Intercultural dialogue is an indispensable experience in the comprehensive
progress of the modern world, and it solves political problems in a positive
way. Canadian, Swedish, Indonesian, Malaysian, and Azerbaijani models of
multiculturalism are leading practices in the world.

The importance of the experience of a philosophical view of the
polyethnic evolution of ethnic groups and national minorities in the
developed countries of the modern world and its multicultural and tolerant
traditions, subjective interpretation of all forms of national, racial, ethnic, and
religious diversity within the framework of international legal norms against
the background of the globalization process, and its implementation as a very
relevant and functional platform in world practice has been currently shown.
Against the background of the violation of the cultural rights of peoples and

Narmina Gasimova
Multiculturalism as the main philosophical doctrine of political and cultural development of modern society


national minorities, which can lead to future conflicts in society, the
dangerous consequences and the development of the scientific-philosophical
theory of its implementation in the context of modern political realities and
its organized forms in socio-political thought have been explained. In
accordance with the goals and tasks set by international political and cultural
organizations, the dominant peoples in the territory of a certain country can
fully use their cultural rights for local peoples and representatives of ethnic
minorities to join and develop their national and social identity at the state

It is scientifically and philosophically justified that ethnic-national
diversity and inter-ethnic relations are among the priority directions in the
multi-vector state policies of poly-ethnic countries. The regulation of inter-
ethnic relations is an important and necessary condition of political stability
in society, as well as a guarantee of the state's future progress. Equal
development of multiculturalism and national identity serves the
development of national and moral values in the context of universal values.

The philosophical theory of multiculturalism and tolerance also serves the
cultural convergence of different societies. It is possible for the bearers of
different cultures to show solidarity on the same level and to live together
within the framework of concrete cultural pluralism, thanks to the high
universal humanitarian and humanistic principles of that society.
Multiculturalism and tolerance, in turn, are philosophical doctrines opposed
to nationalism, ethnocentrism, and cultural imperialism. Philosophical-
cultural aspects of multiculturalism and national identity issues reflect the
activation of new development impulses in modern society, as well as the
determination of national-cultural and political models in accordance with
modern requirements. This, in turn, highlights the importance of the
multiculturalism paradigm in the context of multiculturalism and tolerance in
the globalized world.

Multiculturalism is a very complex and dynamic concept, and it is very
important to study it in the form of different models in the world today. It is
possible for these models to be adapted to one country, but none of them can
be applied in other conditions because any model fits and belongs to a certain
value-meaning base formed over centuries. Searching for such grounds for
the application of this or another model is a very difficult task, as the general
strategy of the world conception of coexistence consists of principles of
reconciliation with specific ethnocultural and national-cultural development
4.Multiculturalism is the embodiment of democracy and tolerance

“Metafizika” Journal
2024, vol 7, issue 2, serial 26, pp.79-89


Multiculturalism, as a humanistic and democratic philosophical theory, is
also an embodiment of tolerance. This concept's philosophical essence is the
harmony of cultural diversity. It is the defense of the principles of justice in
the activity of tolerance in the context of statehood, bearing political, legal,
and moral nature. In countries that accept multiculturalism as a state policy,
every member of society should be treated within the framework of equal
rights, socio-economic guarantees should be provided, and their integration
into society should be ensured.

The philosophical aspect of multiculturalism serves to form society's
public consciousness within the framework of humanism's principles, which
include the provision of peace, tranquility, cultural, political, and economic
development in the world. Today, multiculturalism is the most creative and
modern platform for the regulation of ethnic-cultural relations.

As a policy model of multiculturalism, the protection of ethnic, racial,
religious, and cultural diversities in society is one of the most important
sources of social development. In this regard, on November 2, 2001, Article 1
of UNESCO's "Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity," entitled
"Cultural Diversity: The Common Heritage of Humanity," states: "As a
source of exchange, innovation, and creativity, cultural diversity is as
necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature". In this sense, it is the
common heritage of humanity and should be recognized and affirmed for the
benefit of present and future generations" [3, p. 19].

The Republic of Azerbaijan has declared multiculturalism a state policy
priority, taking into account its positive qualities and basic principles of
democracy. Multiculturalism and the equal development of national identity
in the context of universal values serve the development of our national and
moral values, our national culture, and its recognition in the world.

―Multiculturalism policy is a policy aimed at the protection, development,
and harmonization of the cultural diversity of people belonging to
nationalities and sects, as well as the integration of minority peoples and
states into the national culture.‖ [1, p. 242].

Different states have already included a new security component among
the national security doctrines (economic security, energy security,
information security, environmental security, man-made security, food
security, etc.) that confirms and protects their existence. We can refer to this
as multicultural security, which encompasses a broad range of moral values.
Today, Azerbaijan has firmly established its multicultural security as a
system and is undergoing a significant and crucial phase [2].

Narmina Gasimova
Multiculturalism as the main philosophical doctrine of political and cultural development of modern society


―The article entitled "Multiculturalism is the main philosophical concept
of social and political development of modern society" is dedicated to the
actual problem of modern philosophy. The article reflects the importance of
multiculturalism and cultural dialogue in solving global crises in the modern

The possibility of granting all privileges to ethnic groups within the
framework of international legal norms was expressed in the article by taking
into account the socio-philosophical and political analysis of
multiculturalism, the territorial integrity and national interests of national
minorities in the conditions of national-cultural diversity and developing their
own culture.

The role of multiculturalism as a priority direction of state policy in the
establishment of world peace, regulation of ethnic-national relations,
convergence of cultures and civilizations is substantiated in the article.
Researches of local and foreign authors dealing with this philosophical issue
have been reviewed. The issue raised in the article was approached both in
the global and Azerbaijani context. Independence and sovereignty give the
Republic of Azerbaijan the opportunity to integrate into the world
community, while multiculturalism gives our country the opportunity to
establish mutually suitable relations with all countries on an equal basis.

In the article, the socio-philosophical analysis of multiculturalism is given,
and the main goal is to direct the attention of the scientific community to the
future perspectives of this trend, its theoretical and practical importance in
terms of its influence on public consciousness in building a civil society with
tolerant, cosmopolitan values.

Aliyev, I. (2015). Azerbaijan is an example of tolerance (performance,

speeches, meetings, congratulations). Baku. (in Azerbaijani)
2. Abdullayev, K. (2015). AzerTaj. 08.04.2015 (in Azerbaijani)
3. Abdullayev, K. (2019). Introduction to Multiculturalism. Baku. (in

4. Benhabib, C. C. (2003). Cultural demand, Equality and diversity in the

global era. Moscow. (in English)
5. Dumouchel, P. (2001). Comparative multiculturalism. Journal New Left

Review, London. (in English)
6. Ilyasov, R. (2019). Introduction to Multiculturalism. Textbook, Baku. (in

7. Hekpasov, C. N., Nekrasova, N. A., & Platoshina, V. American

multiculturalism. https://www.monographies.ru > view (in Russian)

“Metafizika” Journal
2024, vol 7, issue 2, serial 26, pp.79-89


8. Rahimov, R. (2019). Introduction to Multiculturalism. Baku (in

Multikulturalizm müasir cəmiyyətin siyasi-mədəni inkişafının əsas fəlsəfi
doktrinası kimi

Nərminə Qasımova

Abstrakt. ―Multikulturalizm müasir cəmiyyətin siyasi-mədəni inkiĢafının
əsas fəlsəfi doktrinasıdır‖ sərlövhəli məqalə qloballaĢma kontekstində müasir
cəmiyyətlərdə baĢ verməkdə olan mədəni-siyasi problemlərin sosial-fəlsəfi
aspektdən təhlilinə həsr olunmuĢdur. Məsələyə zamanın və dövrün aktual
tələbatı aspektindən yanaĢma, digər mədəni identikliyə hörmət qloballaĢma
dövründə polietnik cəmiyyətlərin etnik-siyasi münasibətlər sistemində
tarazlığın pozulmasına səbəb ola biləcək radikalizm, terrorizm, ekstremizm,
dini fundamentalizm və irqçilik aktlarının aktuallaĢmaması etnik-siyasi
subyektlərə münasibətdə təhlükəsiz gələcəyə hesablanmıĢ kompleks
tədbirlərin görülməsinin vacibliyi məqalədə öz əksini tapmıĢdır.

Fəlsəfi aspektdə multikulturalizm termini geniĢ anlam kəsb edərək
müxtəlif dəyərləri özündə birləĢdirən sosial subyektlərin mənsub olduqları
mədəniyyətlərin ümumiləĢmiĢ ifadəsidir. Məlumdur ki, mədəniyyət və
mənəviyyat tarixi fəlsəfi baxıĢ sistemidir və zamanın hökmündən asılı olaraq,
hər bir tarixi inkiĢaf mərhələsində ictimai quruluĢun formasından asılı olaraq
mədəniyyət və onunla birlikdə mənəviyyat da dəyiĢir və yeniləĢir.

Multikulturalizm bir ölkə daxilində müxtəlif milli mədəniyyətlərin
nümayəndələrnin bərabər hüquqlar, özünütəsdiq Ģəraitində birgəyaĢayıĢı
olmaqla tolerantlığın bir formasıdır. Multikulturalizm paradiqmasının fəlsəfi-
nəzəri əsasını məhz qlobal cəmiyyətdə paralel mədəniyyətlərin qarĢılıqlı
anlaĢması, birgə fəaliyyəti və habеlə onların bərabərhüquqlu dialoqu təĢkil

Məqalədə qloballaĢma fonunda multikulturalizm paradiqmasının müasir
cəmiyyətlərin əsas fəlsəfi-siyasi konsepsiyasına çevrilməsi və dövlət siyasəti

fəlsəfə üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru,

Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universitetinin ―Humanitar elmlər‖ kafedrasının müəllimi; Bakı, Azərbaycan
E-mail: narmin_aa@mail.ru
Məqaləyə istinad: Qasımova, N. [2024]. Multikulturalizm müasir cəmiyyətin siyasi-mədəni inkiĢafının əsas fəlsəfi
doktrinası kimi. “Metafizika” jurnalı, 7(2), səh.79-89.

Məqalənin tarixçəsi:
Məqalə redaksiyaya daxil olmuĢdur: 20.04.2024

Təkrar iĢlənməyə göndərilmiĢdir: 06.05.2024
Çapa qəbul edilmiĢdir: 03.06.2024

Narmina Gasimova
Multiculturalism as the main philosophical doctrine of political and cultural development of modern society


kontekstində bir çox inkiĢaf etmiĢ ölkələrin, o cümlədən Azərbaycan
Respublikasının siyasi doktrinasını təĢkil etməsi diqqətə çatdırılmıĢdır.

Açar sözlər: multikulturalizm, qloballaĢma, cəmiyyət, milli münasibətlər,
etnik müxtəliflik, sıvılızasiyaların dialoqu, tolerantlıq, inteqrasiya

Мультикультурализм как основная философская доктрина
политического и культурного развития современного общества

Нармина Гасымова

Абстракт. Статья «Мультикультурализм основная философская
доктрина политическо-культурного развития современного общества»
посвящена общественно-культурному-философскому анализу проблем,
происходящих в процессе глобализации в социально-культурном
направлении современного общества.

В статье также отражается подход к вопросу с позиций актуальных
потребностей времени и эпохи, уважение к другим культурным
самобытностям, неактуализация актов радикализма, терроризма,
экстремизма, религиозного фундаментализма и расизма, которые могут
вызвать дисбаланс в системе этнополитических отношений
полиэтнических обществ в эпоху глобализации, принятие комплексных
мер, рассчитанных на безопасное будущее по отношению к
этнополитическим субъектам.

Мультикультурализм - форма толерантности, при сосуществовании
представителей разных национальных культур в условиях равноправия
и самоутверждения в рамках одной страны. Философско-теоретической
основой парадигмы мультикультурализма является именно
взаимопонимание параллельных культур в глобальном социуме,
совместная деятельность и даже их равноправный диалог.

В философском аспекте термин мультикультурализм является
обобщенным выражением культур, к которым принадлежат социальные
субъекты, имеющим широкое значение и вбирающим в себя разные
ценности. Известно, что культура и духовность - это историко-

Доктор философии по философии,
Преподаватель кафедры «Гуманитарные науки» Азербайджанского государственного университета
нефтяной промышленности; Баку, Азербайджан
E-mail: narmin_aa@mail.ru
Цитировать статью: Гасымова, Н. [2024]. «Тагиййа» в Исламе по выводам тюркского исследователя
Абдулбаги Гѐлпынарлы. Журнал «Metafizika», 7(2), с.79-89.

История статьи:
Статья поступила в редакцию: 20.04.2024

Отправлена на доработку: 06.05.2024
Принята для печати: 03.06.2024

“Metafizika” Journal
2024, vol 7, issue 2, serial 26, pp.79-89


философская система взглядов, и в зависимости от господства времени,
в зависимости от формы общественного устройства на каждом этапе
исторического развития культура, а вместе с ней и духовность
изменяются и обновляются.

В статье обращается внимание на трансформацию парадигмы
мультикультурализма в основную философско-политическую
концепцию современных обществ на фоне глобализации и
формирование политической доктрины многих развитых стран, в том
числе Азербайджанской Республики, в контексте государственной

Ключевые слова: мультикультурализм, толерантность,
глобализация, этнические разнообразия, общество, национальные
отношения, диалог цивилизаций, интеграция